
Research Proves Annuities Help Your Retirement Plan [Research]

What is an Annuity, Anyway? Besides being part of a retirement plan that we recommend, and an exciting topic for your next Zoom cocktail party, annuities are an important lever for mitigating the three main risks to retirement – Market Risk, Tax Risk and Longevity Risk. According to Investopedia, “An annuity is a financial product that pays […]

Timing is Everything with Market Risk – Make the Right Choice Now [Research]

401(k)s and IRAs are Easy Choices but they Increase Market Risk In another one of my favorite quant geek research papers about dealing with market risk, the US Government Accounting Office (GAO) explains why sequence of return risks dramatically increase the risks for retirees reliant upon traditional plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs. Since everything we do […]

Retirement Income Showdown: Risk Pooling vs. Risk Premium [Research]

“For the retirement income showdown between risk pooling and risk premium, we have seen with this case study that risk pooling provides stronger support for meeting a retirement spending goal and for preserving true liquidity. The risk premium does support greater legacy at the beginning of retirement, but this advantage does diminish at more advanced […]

Structuring Income for Retirement [Research]

“The coming retirement of the Baby Boom generation will bring a hidden challenge into full visibility: How best can future retirees structure their portfolios to manage and mitigate the risks of inflation, mortality, and the market, while achieving their goals for liquidity, bequest and other personal preferences?