
Our Retirement Strategies

We focus on the two things that define a successful retirement:

  1. Guaranteed Lifetime Income
  2. No Longevity Risk


The number one risk in retirement is Longevity Risk.

Why? Because Longevity Risk is a multiplier of all of the other risks: Health Risk, Market Risk and Taxation Risk.

Longevity risks occurs because the longer you live, the more likely you’ll have a health emergency, experience a stock market crash, or have more money removed for taxes.

Traditional investment tools such as stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and CDs cannot remove Longevity Risk.

Insurance. Specifically, Lifetime Income annuities and Indexed Universal Life insurance.

Because longevity multiplies the negative impacts of retirement risks, transferring the risks to an insurance company is vital.

Insurance companies use risk pooling to manage longevity risk.

  • When they sell a life insurance policy, the risk is that you die too soon.
  • When they sell a lifetime income annuity, the risk is that you live too long.


However, because they are on each side of the risk, insurance companies can neutralize or even eliminate longevity risk.

A Lifetime Income Annuity is a Guaranteed Paycheck for life that functions like a AAA bond, with a CCC yield and zero standard deviation.

Indexed universal life insurance (IUL) is a permanent life insurance policy that offers growth based on the stock market index (S&P 500, for example) and protection from losing value if the market falls.

By using these tools strategically, we help clients obtain a retirement unscathed by market volatility with minimized lifetime tax liabilities, guaranteed lifetime income, and protection in case of a medical crisis or death.