
Retirement Strategies for Solopreneurs, Consultants and Independent Professionals

Whether you’re independent by design, or have transitioned after a career in the corporate world, funding your retirement is different now. For those of us closer to retirement than not, this may require aggressive actions.

Solopreneurs need a different plan than a traditional, company-offered 401(k). Also, whether you are a consultant, a coach, a gig worker, 1099 contractor, or small firm owner, you are probably on your own regarding your retirement savings plan. When you left your corporate job, you also left behind your corporate 401(k). Now that you are on the outside you need a new strategy better suited to independence.

We’re all thinking about:

  • Keeping our businesses growing,
  • Staying on top of our game as industry thought leaders,
  • Juggling multiple clients’ needs along with our own, and 
  • Bouncing between making enough money to survive and wondering what to do with our profits when things are good.

If you answered risk-free, you picked the correct option. We solve the unique challenges of solopreneurs by converting your existing risk-exposed-retirement assets into risk-free retirement income. Risk is considered to be balanced by reward. But, if you are carrying too much of the wrong risks, your plan is incomplete.

Our approach focuses on mitigating or neutralizing retirement’s three primary risks – Market Risk, Tax Risk, And Longevity Risk – creating a “Future Proofed” retirement.

Working with us, you will no longer be concerned about stock market conditions or changes in the tax code or living a long life. Our strategies protect what you’ve saved and help those funds grow into a guaranteed stream of lifetime income. 

Retiring comfortably requires spending money to live the life you want, not sitting on assets and hoping they’ll grow enough to protect you throughout the second chapter of your life. Our strategies will provide you confidence that your retirement plan does two key things: 

  1. What you NEED it to do.
  2. What you WANT it to do.

Our solopreneur clients can check the following retirement worries off their list:

  • Outliving retirement savings
  • Savings’ growth and protection
  • Increase in tax rates
  • Long term care 
  • The rising cost of medical expenses
  • Surviving spouses running out of money
  • Reduction in Social Security benefits due to death of a spouse
  • Reduction in Social Security benefits due to taxes
  • Legacy (leaving money to your beneficiaries)

A successful retirement plan guarantees what it WILL DO, not what it MIGHT do if the stars align and life has no hiccups.

Contact us today for your complimentary analysis of your current retirement accounts and examples of our customized strategies.

Your future self will thank you.